User input processed and reflected in server response.
Identified JS deserialization vulnerability
Generate reverse shell payload using
Inject the payload in the email parameter
Send GET request to “/” with the Cookie received.
Shell spawn as the user dylan
View what commands can dylan run with sudo: sudo -l
Leverage npm with sudo to execute /bin/sh as root.
All done 😀
The NMAP results showed that ports 22 and 80 were open.
Opening the application running on port 80, we see the following and notice that it says “Built with nodejs”
Inspecting the source code of this page, we find JS code, which sends a POST request to the server endpoint with the email input from the user. http://window.location.href?email="UserEmailAddress"
When we submit an email address using the form, we notice that there is a session cookie set in the HTTP response.
We decode the cookie value and find that it reflects the input provided by us in the request.
We then send a GET request to the “/” endpoint with the cookie and find that the value is reflected in HTTP response.
Since our value was reflected in the HTTP response, we tried to send a serialized payload as the email parameter. _$$ND_FUNC$$_function (){ return 'deser_test'; }()
We found that our code was successfully executed, therefore, the deser_test in the HTTP response.
Then we tried to get a reverse shell using this vulnerability..
Firstly, we generated our shell code using python {listeningip} {port}
Then, we append _$ND_FUNC$_function (){ before the payload and }() after the payload.
We got in the host as the user dylan
Looking inside the home directory for ‘dylan’ we found the user.txt
By running sudo -l, we found that the user dylan can run /usr/bin/npm with sudo.
Therefore, we leverage that to escalate our privileges to root.