“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” - Socrates
Updated on 1 February 2022
Plotted EMR – Hard
This writeup will cover the Plotted EMR room on TryHackMe.
Nmap shows that the following ports are open:
Anonymous login allowed FTP
FTP – /.-/.../you_are_determined.txt (Contains hint that username is admin)
Upon enumerating port 5900 (mysql), we find that we can authenticate as the user admin without any password. However, there is’nt any interesting information.
mysql -u admin -h {ip} -P 5900
GoBuster finds some random files on port 80, However, there is a /portal directory on port 8890.
OpenEMR running on port 8890
Public Exploit requires authentication
Upon research, we find that setup.php and admin.php are available to unauthenticated users.
OpenEMR instance allows multiple sites to be created.
Initial foothold by adding a new site and using the public exploit against it.
OpenEMR –
Flag 1 – /var/www/ThisFileIsInteresting
rsync cron job with wildcard running as plot_admin
Leverage wildcard injection to escalate privileges to plot_admin
We find that /usr/bin/perl has cap_fowner capability.
We’ll leverage this to escalate our privileges to root.
All Done 😀
Nmap and rustscan show that the following ports are open:
Nmap also reveals that anonymous logons are allowed for FTP.
By enumerating the ftp service, we find that there is a file called you_are_determined.txt
Following are the contents of the file mentioned above:
Sorry, but you wasted your time!
Here is something for you :D
Wait..I'll give you a hint: see if you can access the `admin` account
The hint above suggested that there might be a user called admin. We make a note of this and continue enumerating.
Upon enumerating port 5900 (mysql), we find that we can authenticate as the user admin without any password. However, there is’nt any interesting information.
mysql -u admin -h {ip} -P 5900
Running GoBuster on both ports 80 and 8890, finds multiple files with Base64 encoded text.
However, on port 8890, we find that there is a directory called portal.
Upon browsing to the directory, we are presented with the OpenEMR login page.
Since we have a hint that the user might be admin, we try using some common passwords, no luck.
Brute-forcing with hydra using rockyou wordlist doesn’t take us anywhere.
Upon researching on google, we find a vulnerability report for openemr by ‘Project Insecurity’
We find that there are multiple ways in which we can exploit this. However, authentication is required.
In the same report, we also find the application is affected by unauthenticated information disclosure ( setup.php and admin.php files )
Upon, browsing to admin.php, we find that we can add a new site.
Therefore, we could leverage this to get admin access to the application and then use the public exploit to gain RCE.
Browse to http://{ip}:8890/portal/admin.php
Add a new site, with the option I have already created the database
Either use the mysql running on port 5900 or host a dummy mysql server on attack machine
CREATE USER 'openemr_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'Password12';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON openemr.* TO 'openemr_user'@'%';
Enter the appropriate details in the config screen
Wait for the process to finish
Note: this process takes some time (~2 mins, if using the AttackBox), however you can monitor DB progress using:
SELECT table_schema as `Database`, table_name AS `Table`, round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size in MB` FROM information_schema.TABLES ORDER BY (data_length + index_length) DESC LIMIT 0,10;
Additionally, this doesn’t work properly when proxied via Burp
There are multiple exploits available for the specified version, in this writeup we are covering (45161)
Note: The machine has been configured to disallow some of the exploits.
We need to modify the exploit to authenticate using our newly created site:
On line 66, change ?site=default to ?site={nameofnewsite}