Reset Password functionality allowed us to reset admin's password.
Reverse shell upload via upload profile picture functionality
Upload path found as a comment in page source
Privilege Escalation – 1: Using mongo
Privilege Escalation – 2: Using pkexec
All Done! 😀
Nmap and rustscan found the following ports open:
Browsing through the application hosted on port 80, we found that there is a merchant portal
We tried simple SQLi, no luck. However, we were able to register a new user to the system
Once logged in as the user, we found that a user can upload their profile picture (Possible reverse shell upload). However, this functionality only works for [email protected] user
Looking for ways to gain access to the admin user, we found that the user can reset their password. However, the server doesn’t validate the username provided. Therefore, we leveraged that to gain access to the admin account.
Once logged in as admin, we attempted to upload php reverse shell using the upload profile picture functionality, which worked. We found the directory path as a comment in the page source.
Privilege Escalation - 1
Looking for ways to escalate our privileges, we observed the following:
There is a user called webdeveloper
webdeveloper has sudo rights
mongod is running (
mysql is running
Attempted to login to mysql with common creds, didn’t work.
Tried finding creds for webdeveloper inside config files etc, no luck.
Tried accessing mongo shell using mongo, worked.
Listed DBs using show dbs
Found user and collection collections inside backup DB.
Inside the user collection, we found creds for webdeveloper user
Privilege Escalation - 2
We were able to SSH to the host using creds found earlier.
Looking for ways to escalate our privileges, we observed the following:
webdeveloper is a member of sudo group
webdeveloper can run /usr/bin/sky_backup_utility as sudo without password.
/etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf contains AdminIdentities=unix-group:sudo;unix-group:admin (Default in Ubuntu)
Since webdeveloper is a member of the sudo group, we can escalate our privileges using pkexec
pkexec allows an authorized user to execute commands as another user.
Therefore, we could have used pkexec /bin/bash to spawn a shell as root.
However, there is known issue that “pkexec fails in a non-graphical environment”